About Me

I’m based out of Minnesota, Wisconsin will always be home, and Heaven is where we should all call home.
P.S. “Fried cheese curds” are the superior state dish to “tater-tot hotdish” but just barely. 

All work is for the glory of God.
My name is Chris, I have always had a connection with art. When I realized that paying bills with my paintings, pottery, or stained glass windows wasn’t going to cut it, I went into graphic design. While there have definitely been moments in my career where I felt the same “rush” that I’ve gotten from art, I’ve also realized that graphic design can be a lesson in humility. You don’t sign your name on your work and it’s mostly anonymous. I’ve had many times where people without my experience thought they could do my job. For every fun magazine layout that I’ve created there have been hundreds of mundane topographic maps to edit. 
For every attractive vehicle wrap made, there have many messy word documents to clean and reformat. I’ve decided to take on the attitude of Saint Joseph. I’ll silently do my work for the greater good. No work intimidates me and no work is beneath me. Do you need a beautiful logo? I can do it. Do you just need your PDF form to be editable on your screen? I can do that too.
I am a Catholic Graphic Designer after all. “Catholic” means “universal” let’s concentrate on that.

Just another Catholic Graphic Designer